Swagger API Личный кабинет Центр поддержки

Address quality status #

Field quality - address quality status (JSON object)

{ "unique": 0, "actuality": 0, "undefined": 0, "level": 8, "house": 3, "geo": 8}

Detailed description of fields and compliance codes.

FieldDescriptionCompliance codeResult description
uniqueThe uniqueness level of the found address
1 reference address offered
several reference addresses with similar spelling are offered (a choice is possible).
2Not unique:
there are several reference records, equally corresponding to the original address
actualitySource address relevance status
0Found by actual record:
the name and administrative subordination indicated in the parsed address correspond to the reference.
obsolete name of one of the address elements specified in the parsed address.
the administrative subordination indicated in the parsed address is deprecated.
undefinedParsing unaddressed information in the source address
information that does not affect the recognition results during manual verification.
information that, when manually checked, may affect the result of comparing the parsed address with the reference.
levelThe level to which the source address is compared with the reference
1To the region
2To the area
3To the city
4To the district in the city
5To the settlement
6To the planning structure
7To the street
8To the house
houseThe degree of coincidence of the house number in the original address with the reference
0No options found
3Precise definition of the house by reference
4Partial definition of a house by reference
9The parsed address is missing a house number
geoThe level to which the address coordinates are parsed
1To the region
2To the area
3To the city
4To the district in the city
5To the settlement
6To the planning structure
7To the street
8To the house